A compressed workweek is a type of work arrangement where employees work their usual weekly hours in fewer days than the traditional five-day workweek.

In this blog, we dive into what a 4/10 work schedule is, its pros and cons along with ways to implement the schedule. 

What is a 4/10 Work Schedule? 

A compressed workweek is a work schedule that allows employees to work a full-time workload in fewer days than the traditional five-day workweek. Typically, a compressed workweek involves working longer hours each day in exchange for having an additional day off during the workweek.

A 4/10 work schedule, also known as a “four tens”, is a compressed workweek schedule in which employees work four 10-hour days per week instead of the traditional five 8-hour days. 

Benefits and Drawbacks of a 4/10 Work Schedule


  • Longer weekends: With a 4/10 schedule, employees typically have three-day weekends, providing more time for rest and relaxation, hobbies, family time, or other pursuits.
  • Reduced commuting: By working one less day per week, employees can save time and money on their commute.
  • Increased productivity: Some research suggests that compressed workweeks can lead to higher productivity due to fewer distractions and more focused work time.
  • Improved work-life balance: The longer weekends and reduced commuting time can help employees better balance their work and personal lives.
  • Reduced overhead costs: For businesses, having employees work fewer days per week can result in cost savings for things like utilities and office supplies.


  • Longer workdays: With a 4/10 schedule, employees work longer hours per day, which can be tiring and challenging for some workers.
  • Reduced flexibility: Employees may have less flexibility to take time off or attend to personal matters during the workweek.
  • Social isolation: Employees may miss out on socializing with coworkers who work traditional schedules.
  • Potential burnout: Long hours can lead to burnout if employees do not have adequate time to rest and recover.
  • Difficulty in scheduling meetings: Coordinating schedules with coworkers who work different hours can be challenging.

A 4/10 work schedule can be a good option for some employees and businesses, but it may not be suitable for everyone. It’s important to consider the specific needs and preferences of both employees and the organization before implementing a compressed workweek.

How to Implement a 4/10 Work Schedule? 

If you are considering a 4/10 work schedule, here are some steps you can follow to help guide you through the process:

  1. Evaluate your business needs: Determine if a compressed workweek schedule will meet the needs of your business, such as increasing productivity, reducing costs, or improving employee morale.
  2. Assess employee interest: Survey your employees to gauge their interest in a 4/10 schedule, as it may not be a good fit for everyone. Consider their schedules, responsibilities, and personal preferences.
  3. Develop a plan: Create a plan that outlines the details of the 4/10 schedule, including which departments or employees will be eligible, the schedule rotation, and the expected outcomes.
  4. Communicate with employees: Clearly communicate the details of the 4/10 schedule to your employees, including the benefits, expectations, and any potential challenges.
  5. Train managers and supervisors: Ensure managers and supervisors understand the new schedule and are equipped to manage the new work arrangements.
  6. Monitor progress: Track the progress of the 4/10 schedule, including employee attendance, productivity, and job satisfaction. Make adjustments as necessary to ensure success.
  7. Be flexible: Be open to adjusting the 4/10 schedule if it does not work as expected or if employees require changes to accommodate their personal needs.

In addition to these steps, it’s important to adhere to any relevant employment laws and regulations, such as overtime and minimum wage requirements. By following these steps, you can successfully implement a 4/10 schedule that meets the needs of your business and your employees.

Is a 10-Hour Workday Too Long? 

Whether or not a 10-hour workday is too long can depend on a variety of factors, including the individual’s job, their physical and mental capabilities, and their personal needs and preferences. However, there are some general considerations to keep in mind when evaluating the suitability of a 10-hour workday.

One important factor to consider is the nature of the work being performed. Jobs that are physically or mentally demanding may be more difficult to sustain for a 10-hour shift, while jobs that are less physically or mentally demanding may be more manageable. Additionally, jobs that involve working with hazardous materials or machinery may pose greater safety risks with longer workdays.

Another factor to consider is the individual’s personal needs and preferences. Some people may find a 10-hour workday to be too long if it interferes with their ability to meet other obligations, such as caring for children or elderly relatives. Others may find that a longer workday allows them to have more time off during the week, which can be beneficial for work-life balance.

Ultimately, whether or not a 10-hour workday is too long depends on the individual and the circumstances. It’s important for employers to consider the needs and preferences of their employees when setting work schedules, and for employees to communicate their concerns and preferences to their employers. 


A compressed workweek can be an effective way to improve work-life balance, reduce commuting costs and time, and increase employee motivation and satisfaction. Employers should consider the needs of their business and employees when deciding whether to implement a compressed workweek and take steps to ensure that it is done in a way that maximizes productivity and employee wellbeing. 

While there may be some challenges to implementing a compressed workweek, the potential benefits make it a worthwhile option to consider for many workplaces. With careful planning and communication, a compressed workweek can be a win-win for both employees and employers.