Managing a team is one of the most challenging aspects of working as a manager. Not only do you have to make sure that your employees are performing well in their jobs, but you also have to make sure they’re being handled fairly. One way to ensure this fairness is by setting up an effective work/shift schedule for each employee. 

But what are the best work schedule types? Which ones should you use? In this article, we’ll go over 14 types of work schedules so that you can determine which ones will benefit your organization the most!

What is a Work Schedule?

A work schedule is a planned schedule of what time employees will work when they will have time off, and what days they will work. Work schedules are usually set by managers or human resources departments on a company-wide basis. 

Full-Time Schedule

A full-time schedule is one that allows employees to work a set number of hours each week. For example, if you work a standard 40-hour workweek, your scheduled hours may be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or any other combination that totals 40 hours for the week.

This type of schedule has many benefits, including stability and predictability for both an employee and employer. It also allows you to set up your own schedule around personal commitments. You can even switch shifts with another employee by contacting their manager if needed.

Working full-time means less flexibility than other types of schedules may offer; however, some jobs require long hours and need employees who are dedicated enough to stick it out regardless of how busy they get during certain periods throughout the year. If possible though do try not to take on more than one job because overworking yourself will lead to nowhere but burnout which could result in poor performance.

Part-Time Schedule

Part-time schedules are typically less than 35 hours per week. This may be a good option for employees who want to keep their current job but work fewer hours, or for individuals who want to transition into retirement.

Part-time employees are most often paid by the hour. So if for instance, their pay rate is $10/hour and they work 30 hours in one week, you’ll pay them $300.

Part-time schedules are great for people who want to maintain a family and social life, or simply want more time to pursue other interests. They’re also ideal for those who need more flexibility in their schedule due to illness, disability, or any other reason.

Flexible Schedules

Flexible schedules are a good fit for employees who have other responsibilities outside of work. For example, flexible schedules allow them to take time off for medical appointments or child care. They can also be a good option for people who work from home, as they provide greater freedom in choosing when and where you complete your tasks.

With a flexible schedule, workers can choose how many hours they want to put in each day based on what type of life balance works best for them. 

Although a flex schedule is a great option for employees, it can be hard for managers to manage it since employees won’t be able to make it to most meetings. That’s because they’ll be working flexible hours and may not be present in the office at most times.

Managers and coworkers might have a hard time communicating when an employee has a flexible schedule. This can lead to confusion and frustration on both sides of the fence—especially if the changes are frequent or last longer than expected.


Freelance is one of the work schedule types in which you can work whenever you choose as long as the work gets done by a set deadline.

People who work freelance have many advantages over people who have traditional jobs. For example, they have more freedom to choose their own hours and don’t have to commute to an office every day. They also have more flexibility when it comes to taking vacations and making decisions about their future career path. However, freelancing may not be right for everyone. It requires a lot of self-motivation, discipline, and organization skills so that your clients will always be happy with your work.

Seasonal Work Schedule

One type of work schedule is a seasonal work shift, in which employees have to work only a few months of the year. This can be either because the company is seasonal, or because the employee is working for a company that has no need for their services during certain times of the year. For example, if an employee works at a ski lodge during ski season, they will probably only be needed from December through March.

No Set Schedule

No set schedule is a type of work schedule that employers can offer in which they don’t dictate the hours they must work. In other words, employees are not required to work at set times or on specific days.

This kind of schedule is beneficial for both employers and employees because it gives workers more control over their schedules and allows them to adjust their hours based on their personal needs. However, this type of schedule may be difficult for some employers to implement due to scheduling conflicts and other issues.

Alternate Work Schedule

An alternate work schedule refers to a work schedule that is different than other schedules offered in your company. It usually refers to compressed work schedules and flexible work schedules. 

This type of schedule is usually to accommodate specific employees such as those that are pregnant, need medical assistance, etc. 

In an alternate work schedule, you will need to find an alternative to the employee that has vacated to fill up their place. 

Fixed Daily Schedule

A fixed daily schedule is one that doesn’t allow you to swap shifts with coworkers. Because it can be very limiting in terms of flexibility and control over your schedule. You’ll need to work on whatever days you were assigned. For instance, an employee’s working days may be fixed from Wednesday to Saturday or so.

With a fixed schedule, employees know what to expect each day and can make plans with other people accordingly.

One benefit is that It helps them achieve goals because they know that if something is on the schedule, it will get done. 

Compressed Work Schedule

Next on work schedule types, is a compressed work schedule. This means that the employee works long hours during the week, but gets the same amount of time off as they would if they worked fewer hours per day. For example, an employee might work 10-hour days Monday through Friday, and then take the weekend off. 

One benefit of a compressed work schedule is that it allows employees to balance their professional and personal lives better than other types of schedules. Employees who are able to spend more time at home with their families may be happier at work because they feel like they get more out of both aspects of their lives when they don’t have so much stress from trying to juggle them both simultaneously.

9-5 Work Schedule

Also known as a standard business schedule, one of the work schedule types is the 9-5 work shift. This is the most common type of work schedule, and it’s also one of the easiest to understand. Employees typically work 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, and they’re paid 40 hours per week.

The 9-5 shift is beneficial to employers because it gives them a consistent number of hours to pay employees for each week. It also allows them to plan their staffing needs more easily since they know how many people will be working each day. For example, if your company needs to staff for a large project that’s going on for three months, you’ll have time to hire new employees and train them before the project begins—you won’t have to scramble at the last minute.

For employees, this kind of schedule offers stability: you’ll always know when your next paycheck is coming in, and you can make plans based on that knowledge. You’ll also be able to plan around other commitments with greater ease than if you had a different kind of schedule where your hours were unpredictable or inconsistent from week to week.

Unpredictable Work Schedule

One type of work schedule is an unpredictable work shift, where employees’ work schedule changes from week to week in an erratic manner. This can be challenging for both employees and employers as it becomes difficult for employees to plan their lives around their work schedule and employers have difficulty predicting how many workers they will need at any given time and fixing their timetables.

The unpredictable work shift can be more stressful because employees don’t know what their schedule will be until the last minute. They may not have time to prepare for childcare or other responsibilities they have outside of work.

Rotating Work Schedule

One type of work schedule is a rotating work schedule in which employees are required to work on different shifts. Each employee works one week in a given shift and then moves to another shift for the next week. For example, an employee may work as a late-night shift supervisor on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; then the following week they will work as an early-morning supervisor.

Rotating schedules are beneficial because they provide employees with variety in their daily routines. On the downside, employees can find instability in their work schedule because the shifts keep changing and hence employees can suffer from low engagement.

Overtime Work Schedule

One type of work schedule is an overtime work schedule in which an employee works more than 40 hours a week. This kind of schedule is usually only used when it is absolutely necessary—for example if there are no other employees available to do the job and the company needs to get something done quickly.

Overtime work is not ideal for most employees because it can be extremely stressful and tiring. It’s also expensive for employers, who have to pay time-and-a-half wages for all hours worked over 40 hours per week.

While this may sound like a bad idea for both parties involved, there are some situations where it makes sense for an employer to use an overtime work schedule. For example, if they’re understaffed or if they need something done immediately they can’t wait until another time period has been scheduled.

Split Work Schedule

In a split work shift schedule, the employee may work a few hours at a point during the day, take some hours off, and then continue working the remaining of their hours during another part of the day. 

This work schedule type can be beneficial for employees who have family or other obligations outside of work. An example is an employee with children who needs to pick up their kids from school every afternoon. The employee could start at 9 am, take off from 2 pm to 4 pm to pick up the children, then return to work until 5 pm.

On-Demand/On-Call Work Schedule

One work schedule type is an on-call work schedule. An employee on this type of schedule is available to work whenever the employer demands. This can be a good option for those who want to have flexibility in their schedules, but it can also mean that the employee has to be on call at all times. The good part is that this type of work schedule usually has rotation between employees so that one employee doesn’t have to do all the work themself.

Manage Work Schedules and Shifts With AttendanceBot

Managing employee shifts has never been easier. Shift management is a crucial part of running a successful business, but it can be time-consuming and frustrating if you’re not using the right tools. With Attendancebot, though, you can easily plan employee schedules and alert them of upcoming shifts in just a few clicks!

Summing Up

As you can see, there are many different work schedule types. To make sure your team is operating at peak efficiency and productivity, it’s important to find the right one for your company’s needs.