How a civic tech company uses AttendanceBot to pioneer the digital-first workplace

Code For Africa is a mission-driven civic technology & open data incubator operating across 22 African countries and counting. By giving citizens better access to better information, Code For Africa strives to amplify voices and ultimately build a more responsive and accountable society.

Discover how AttendanceBot helped Code For Africa perfect a digital-first workspace by simplifying employee training administrative burden.

The Objective

Before AttendanceBot, Code For Africa relied on google docs and spreadsheets for leave applications and approvals, which was not only time consuming and error-prone for the organization, but a source of regular frustration among employees. Staff regularly forgot to log in or request leave, even sometimes how to submit leave in the first place, and admins were dedicated considerable time just tracking down and collating historical time off data.


Everything happens in Slack,
and is instantaneous!


The Solution

While searching Slack’s recommended apps, Code For Africa came across AttendanceBot and quickly realized they’d stumbled on an answer.

Instead of requesting balances or days off from a manager and admin, and relying on complex formulas to keep track of current and future balances, employees are now able to view balances or request leave with just a few keystrokes in Slack, their managers and HR can instantaneously approve, and everyone let AttendanceBot handle the calculations and reporting.

The Result

Code For Africa knocked a their goals out of the park!

Eliminate time wasted on signatures, forms, and leave management

With an automated admin process that surfaces relevant info at the right time, in the right channel, to the right people, Code For Africa was able to save thousands of staff hours each year

Pacify staff frustration with a fan favorite process

Employees loved the new process, simple implementation, and clear indication that their needs were listened to. Full integration of Slack and calendar statusing was the cherry on top.

Keep everything in their digital Slack workspace

‘Nough said 😃

Features used

Apply Leave

Apply + approve menus
in Slack, with balances and conflicts

Vacation cal

Vacation calendar, color
coded and filterable by team, office, leave type 

Automated leave

Automated leave accrual & deduction with historical

Loved by 1000+ customers in 100+ countries

New York Times

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